Sicilian Saucer Tomato

Every year I experiment with at least one new tomato variety.  In 2013 it was only one variety because I was in the midst of building my new greenhouse and pressed for space and time to garden! I chose the heritage paste tomato Sicilian Saucer because I like a big, meaty, flavourful tomato for making delicious roasted tomatoes.

Sicilian Saucer is an Italian heirloom tomato producing giant, heavily lobed, beefsteak type fruit. I’ve grown other Italian heirlooms like Costoluto Fiorentina and Costoluto Genovese and always been impressed with their rich flavour, so my expectations for Sicilian Saucer were pretty high.

This variety is supposed to be an indeterminate variety, I guess it was in that it never stopped growing, but it certainly didn’t grow up!  After growing to about a metre tall it then proceeded to put on all sorts of crazy vegetative growth from every leaf node except the topmost.  The plant exploded sideways!

It certainly didn’t help that I didn’t have time to keep up with pruning it.  After a few cursory attempts to remove the suckers and force terminal growth I lost control and before I knew it I had a bushy little troll of a tomato plant.

The Sicilian Saucer plant is on the right, you can just see the giant tomato at the bottom of the plant

The Sicilian Saucer plant is on the right, you can just see the giant tomato at the bottom of the plant

I don’t have a problem with that, but what really irked me was that despite blooming copiously, only ONE tomato had set on the plant by the end of July!  Every other tomato I grew was loaded with fruit, so I didn’t have a general pollination problem. I think it’s because Sicilian Saucer is one of those tomatoes with giant, multi-petalled blossoms.  Those spectacular flowers seem reluctant to receive pollen, maybe all those petals get in the way.  Apparently I need something called a tomato vibrator to aid in pollination.  Sounds too kinky for me…

Sicilian Saucer Tomato

I’m stretching my pinkie to hold this tomato – and I have big hands (for a girl!)

That single tomato grew, and grew, and grew!  When I finally picked it in mid-September it was immense and so heavy that I knew it would be richly flavourful.  I don’t have an accurate kitchen scale but it must have weighed at least a kilo.


To give some perspective, the other large tomatoes are Big Beef

I decided to use it in a batch of roasted tomatoes and when I dismembered it into large chunks I was surprised to find that it filled the glass dish I usually roast my tomatoes in.  The bloody thing made an entire batch of roasted tomatoes all on its own… and a big batch it was too!

sicilian saucer

Yes, that’s just ONE tomato!

The plant has produced a few late fruit but I’m not sure that they are going to ripen, even if I bring them inside, they’re just not very well-developed and it’s getting pretty cold in the greenhouse, I don’t have my heater installed yet.

sicilian saucer heirloom tomato

Bye-bye, Sicilian Saucer

Sicilian Saucer certainly produced one doozy of a tomato, but I don’t think I’ll grow it again. I’m not giving up that much space in my greenhouse for one tomato, no matter how large and tasty!

About hortophile

I am a very opinionated, slightly obsessed gardener with decades of experience in the retail nursery industry. A lucky resident of the "Wet Coast" of British Columbia I tread a muddy path between practicality and beauty, with my veggie patch, herb garden and fruits vying for position with the beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers that I can't resist. DON'T ask me to choose between them! I believe in environmental responsibility and common sense.
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15 Responses to Sicilian Saucer Tomato

  1. What an amazing looking tomato! So special, I’m glad you honoured it by making such a special dish as well

  2. lizjwells46 says:

    What a monster! What did you feed it on! But you are right , one tomato for a plant that size is not very practical. I hope you enjoyed it after waiting all summer for it.

  3. ATS says:

    Well, I’ve never come across the Sicilian Saucer before, but that baby is immense. Wonder what variety of tomato you have in mind for next year?

  4. Diane Whitehead says:

    Too bad I didn’t read this last winter when I was making up my list of tomatoes to grow.

    I have one plant of Sicilian Saucer in my greenhouse. It has grown way taller than me and has had lots of flowers all of July. It is now August 5 and despite daily vibration (just giving the plant a shake), there is no tomato yet.

    It’s a good thing I’m growing 90 + other ones out in the garden, so I’m getting some tomatoes.

    Diane in Victoria B.C.

  5. Tom says:

    We have one of these plants (first time) in our backyard garden in Central Toronto. We will soon have harvested our 10 Sicilian Saucer. Each is at least a kilo in weight. Great for roasted tomatoes !

  6. Diane Whitehead says:

    My plant has one tomato which is nowhere near ripe yet. There are no more flowers, so one tomato is all I will be getting.

    Diane from Victoria B.C.

  7. El says:

    We’ve grown the Sicilian Saucer the past 2 years (outside, against the house in a south facing corner) and harvested 30 – 35 tomatoes each year each upwards of 2 lbs. Looked for another this year and can’t find one.

  8. Stolen101 says:

    The Kennedy Gardens at Kennedy Rd & 19th line has all kinds of Sicilian saucers I purchased 12 last week. In markham Ontario

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