My Favourite Plants

Everyone has their favourites – sometimes it’s a whole group of plants, like rhododendrons, apples, or spring-flowering bulbs.  Sometimes it’s because a certain plant evokes memories of a time and place you cherish.  And sometimes it’s a particular plant’s determination to survive despite circumstances that should spell its demise.

The first winter…when I fell in love

I have a lot of favourites, so from time to time I will share one (or some) of these.  Please tell me what your favourite plants are!

When we first looked at this property before buying it, I noticed a peculiar looking tree on the edge of the greenspace behind us.  It was a survivor of the destruction wreaked when this subdivision was created.

Why do they have to mow down all the trees when they build a new development?  Well, actually, I know all the reasons but that doesn’t mean I’m pleased about it!

At any rate, there is this one tall, gangly tree with a great strip of bark missing down the side that is visible from my yard.  It’s a Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides), one of what was once a large grove.  They are still the dominant tree in the greenspace behind us, but this one is older and taller than most, and it sits right on the edge of the wild area.

I’m sure that the damage I can see was sustained when this neighborhood was undergoing development; this tree just barely missed being taken out, and bears the scars of its near miss.

The first winter in our home I thought it would probably not make it through the wicked windstorms that are common to our area.  It looked so spindly and waved about dangerously in the wind, I was sure it would just snap off at some great gust.

It’s still there…and I love it for its refusal to give up.  I love the way the leaves shimmy and rustle in the slightest of breezes.  I love how it looks in winter when you can see that the lower branches actually grow downwards and are all gnarled like arthritic fingers.

I have taken so many pictures of this tree that I could fill an album!

I hope it never dies….

More Favourites

Walking Onions

Amaryllis ‘Temptation’

Spring Ephemerals

Roses in July

Catalpa bignoniodes ‘Aurea’

Rhododendrons in Bloom

Free Plants

Verbascum bombyciferum

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’

Liberty Apple

Primula bulleesiana

Clematis florida ‘Sieboldii’

Styrax japonica